EL PASO,TX—Have you wondered what the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigates locally and how you can become a more informed leader to help enhance community safety, regional security, and reporting of crime to the FBI? If so, the FBI El Paso Field Office’s Citizens Academy offers a unique experience for civil, business, religious, and community leaders residing or working within the El Paso region.
“The FBI Citizens Academy classes bring together a diverse group of leaders from multiple sectors who have a sincere interest in ensuring the people, business, and organizations they represent are better informed to guard against and report crime to ensure a safer future for everyone in the region,” Special Agent in Charge John Morales explains. “It’s an opportunity to have very candid, open conversations and build relationships with us and each other that ultimately help us all enhance our ability to protect our families and community.”
The FBI Citizens Academy, hosted by the FBI El Paso Field Office offers a unique educational experience for civil, business, religious, and community leaders. Participants attend one session each week, exploring a variety of federal criminal violations, jurisdiction, policy, task force collaboration, specialty teams, and more. Past classes have offered an in-depth exploration of the FBI’s investigative priorities including terrorism, counterintelligence, civil rights crimes, cybercrime, public corruption, and violent crime. All participants are invited to a graduation and an optional learning opportunity at the gun range with FBI firearms instructors to learn and reinforce gun safety and experience the weapons agents are assigned.
FBI Citizens Academy participants graduate with a better understanding of how the FBI El Paso Field Office fulfills its mission within the region and how it partners with law enforcement and the community to prevent violence and investigate crime. All graduates are encouraged to join the local FBI Citizens Academy Alumni Association Chapter to continue education and partner in crime prevention to benefit their communities.
The 2025 Spring FBI Citizens Academy Class will be from March 27, 2025, to May 2, 2025. Nominations must be submitted by January 24, 2025. To nominate yourself or someone else to attend the 2025 Spring FBI Citizens Academy Class and learn more about the program, visit https://www.fbi.gov/contact- us/field-offices/elpaso/ community-outreach. Candidates must be a recognized leader in their respective communities, live within the FBI El Paso Field Offices region, be at least 21 years old, consent to a limited background check, and agree to attend all scheduled sessions with no more than one excused absence.

With El Paso so close to the Mexican border and Mexico in the throws of revolutionary struggle during the early 1900s, southwest Texas became a key focus of the Bureau soon after its founding in 1908. As the FBI heads into its second century, the El Paso Division remains committed to protecting the people and defending the nation while upholding the rule of law and the civil liberties of all.