Movie: Little Mermaid (theaters)
I am sure you are aware of all the controversy that surrounded this remake of the Little Mermaid, I am telling you to ignore, and go and witness the beauty of this film on your own. Halle Baily was excellent as Ariel. She played the part with such innocence. It takes a lot to be able to carry a movie although you don’t speak for the majority of it. I loved the new additions and some of the changes to our favorite sidekicks. I was upset when I heard that Queen Latifah didn’t get the part of Ursula but after watching Melissa McCarthy totally embrace the part, I couldn’t see anyone else as this character. She, like Halle owned this part. I fought the urge to join in on the singing. It totally took me back to when I watched the original Disney Little Mermaid.
IMO 7.5/10
Movie: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Theaters)
The first installment caught me off guard with how good it was, so I went in expecting the same thing. To be blown away. I fought falling asleep possibly the first 15 minutes after that the story and action picks up and takes you on quite the journey. The animation of course was just fascinating. The chase scenes had you both laughing and anxious waiting to see if he was going to get to destination. Be prepared to be mad at the end while we have to wait for the next and final installment.
IMO 7/10
Movie: Transformers: Rise of the Beast (Theaters)
I was obsessed with Transformers when I was younger, tried to never miss an episode every Saturday. Seeing it on the big screen I just feel the same excitement. This installment of the Transformer is a reboot, sequel, and prequel. It is the eighth Transformers movie; it is a sequel to Bumblebee (attempted reboot) whereas it takes place in the 80’s a few years after we meet Bumblebee. Rise of the Beast reconstructs the franchise to be able to take the movies in a different direction. Anthony Ramos was great in his role and surprisingly so was Pete Davidson. I really couldn’t see or rather hear anyone else playing Mirage because Pete just nailed it. The story kept your attention; I don’t think there was a slow moment in the movie. Truly kept my attention the entire time. I am looking forward to future movies within this current trajectory.
IMO 8.5/10
Movie: The Flash (Theaters)
There was a lot of off-screen drama pertaining to this movie mainly because of the actions of Ezra Miller. That being said I didn’t go in expecting too much because let’s be honest DC films are a hit or miss. Loved all the cameos and of course their bringing Michael Keaton back to don the suit. I feel like they underplayed him as well as Supergirl (I hope we see more of her) but the overall lesson of the movie was on point. Despite all the drama, Ezra Miller did excellently. There is no denying that they are a great actor.
IMO 6.5/10
Movie: The Blackening (Theaters)
This movie was so dang stupid. I could not stop laughing. You can’t go in expecting anything from this movie except for it to be dumb. It is almost similar to Scary Movie but not as wild. It drags near the beginning for about 10 minutes but after that you will be laughing. Just the interaction between the characters and them not taking themselves too seriously had me going. I am telling you don’t go see this if you are easily offended, because this movie plays on the fact that 9 out of 10 times in a horror movie black people are the first to go. But how is that possible when everyone in the movie is black. IJS.
IMO 7.5/10
Movie: Elemental (Theaters)
This was a cute movie, not going to be one of Pixars biggest hits but it was enjoyable to watch. We’ve seen the story before, but it is just shown in a different manor which there is nothing wrong with that. The opposite attracts, following your dreams, sticking to your own path, story line, stepping out of your comfort zone.
IMO 7/10
Movie: Extraction 2 (Netflix)
The first Extraction just blew me away with the way the action sequence was filmed. I was overly excited waiting for part 2 to come out and it did not disappoint. It picks up where the first one ended and Rake is back in action doing what he does best except this time he has a team supporting him in the field. If you like action, you are going to enjoy this. I think one of the action sequences lasted over 20 minutes. It was just non-stop. Even though I personally like the first one a lot more it doesn’t take away from the fact that this one was good as well.
IMO 8/10
Series: Black Mirror (Netflix)
The 6th season is finally back. We are used to futuristic, technological episodes that make you think. This season went a different route. It kind of shadows how society is at the moment. How we are obsessed with true crime, reality tv, judging things we don’t understand, and knowing what to believe and not believe. I personally enjoyed this season although it went a totally different route and I am looking forward to future seasons.
IMO 8.5/10