Attention artists specializing in painting, writing, music, dance, and other art forms! We invite you to join our mission of shaping the next generation of Black youth who are artistic visionaries from the ages of five to 18 years old. No matter your creative expertise, whether it’s in painting, writing, music, dance, acting, or any […]
Black Music Month 2023
Henry Ossawa Tanner’s image for Harper’s Young People, Dec 5, 1893 page 84.jpg It has become a common practice for event organizers to employ jazz musicians and focus exclusively on jazz music for occasions that commemorate Black History or celebrate Black culture. Those occasions include events like Black History Month, Juneteenth, and Black Music Appreciation […]
Spirituals vs Minstrelsy
African American spirituals are one of, if not the most important genres of American music as they are the foundation of African American culture and music. Now, what exactly are spirituals? They are songs written by African Americans who were enslaved during the 18th and 19th centuries. They were often sung in religious and communal […]