I am a retired combat Veteran who still strives to serve the Veteran community by not only volunteering in the community, but also providing one on one peer support, coordinating peer support groups, and assisting with community resources.For self-care, one of things I enjoy doing is going to the movies or watching new TV shows. There is just something about getting lost in the show you are watching, and it’s a nice break from reality.
Black History Month Events
I am a retired combat Veteran who still strives to serve the Veteran community by not only volunteering in the community, but also providing one on one peer support, coordinating peer support groups, and assisting with community resources.For self-care, one of things I enjoy doing is going to the movies or watching new TV shows. There is just something about getting lost in the show you are watching, and it’s a nice break from reality.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 – Movie Review | Reel Talk with @AilehsTony
I am a retired combat Veteran who still strives to serve the Veteran community by not only volunteering in the community, but also providing one on one peer support, coordinating peer support groups, and assisting with community resources.For self-care, one of things I enjoy doing is going to the movies or watching new TV shows. There is just something about getting lost in the show you are watching, and it’s a nice break from reality.
Everything Everywhere All At Once Movie Review | Reel Talk with @AilehsTony
I am a retired combat Veteran who still strives to serve the Veteran community by not only volunteering in the community, but also providing one on one peer support, coordinating peer support groups, and assisting with community resources.For self-care, one of things I enjoy doing is going to the movies or watching new TV shows. There is just something about getting lost in the show you are watching, and it’s a nice break from reality.
The Batman Movie Review | Reel Talk with @AilehsTony
I am a retired combat Veteran who still strives to serve the Veteran community by not only volunteering in the community, but also providing one on one peer support, coordinating peer support groups, and assisting with community resources.For self-care, one of things I enjoy doing is going to the movies or watching new TV shows. There is just something about getting lost in the show you are watching, and it’s a nice break from reality.
Movie & TV Reviews with @AliehsTony on BlackElPasoVoice.com
I am a retired combat Veteran who still strives to serve the Veteran community by not only volunteering in the community, but also providing one on one peer support, coordinating peer support groups, and assisting with community resources.For self-care, one of things I enjoy doing is going to the movies or watching new TV shows. There is just something about getting lost in the show you are watching, and it’s a nice break from reality.
TheBEGroup: Auditions for Black History Month Play
I am a retired combat Veteran who still strives to serve the Veteran community by not only volunteering in the community, but also providing one on one peer support, coordinating peer support groups, and assisting with community resources.For self-care, one of things I enjoy doing is going to the movies or watching new TV shows. There is just something about getting lost in the show you are watching, and it’s a nice break from reality.