MARCH 2022
DOG | Production: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Free Association, FilmNation Entertainment | Distributed by United Artists Releasing
Didn’t go into this expecting too much. Just a man and a dog on a journey typical movie but got a little more that I expected. Army Ranger attempted to do whatever it needs to stay in the game. Film touches on TBI, PTSD, Veteran suicide, and seeking help by any means necessary. The way in which they approached the topic was so real to me and I loved it. I could relate to it, and I think it would probably hit other service members/Veterans the same way it did me. It is kind of predictable as to how the story is going to end but it is still enjoyable watching the interaction between the dog “Lulu” and Channing Tatum character.
IMO 3.6/5
MOONFALL | Production: Huayi Brothers International, Huayi Tencent Entertainment International, Centropolis Entertainment, Street Entertainment, AGC Studios | Distributed by: Lionsgate (USA), AGC International
If you are looking for an entertaining disaster movie, then you might just enjoy Moonfall. Then again you are talking to someone that still stops what they are doing whenever Armageddon comes on TV and that received mixed reviews, but it will always be a classic in my eyes. The visuals had the making of a true blockbuster, but the overall story was a B movie rating at best. Great popcorn flick just go to enjoy the show but don’t try to over analyze it.
IMO 2.8/5
UNCHARTED | Production: Columbia Pictures, Arad Productions, Atlas Entertainment, PlayStation Productions | Distributed by: Sony Pictures Releasing
I must admit I have never played the Uncharted games. I just wanted to see the movies because I love a good action, adventure movie so off we went. My son says it was pretty good in relation to it. There was a pretty good mix of fast-paced action, an adventure that kind of reminded me of something like Indiana Jones back in the day, so you had the treasure hunt, and some good characters. I thought the chemistry between Mark Wahlberg and Tom Holland was great, they play well off each other. I hope to see them in some more movies in the future. I will say if you are a gamer just watch this without comparison and see what you think. That is just my lil 2cents.
IMO 4/5
TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE | Production: Legendary Pictures, Exurbia Films, Bad Hombre | Distributed by: Netflix
Why, just why!?! Ok, so I know I am going to probably step on some toes here but what in the world. If you don’t like a lot of gore, I am giving you heads up to not watch this. They did not hold back at all. Most of the acting was unbearable. I liked the concept of the film, and then it just left me like wait where we are going with this. The cinematography was great. If you like slasher films then this will be the film for you.
IMO 2.8/5
BEL-AIR | Production: Arbolada Roads, Ra Shines, Inc., Cooper Films, The 51, Westbrook Studios, Universal Television | Distributed by Network: Peacock
I honestly wasn’t going to check this show out because I was like there is only one Fresh Prince of Bel Air. But I kept hearing more and more about it. So, I decided to give it a try and I am glad I did. From the first episode I was kind of drawn in. It is a retelling; it relates to the times now. Although the characters have the same names, they act nowhere near the same. Aunt Viv is a cross between both Aunt Vivs’, Hillary is not an “airhead” she is about her business; Carlton is not in Will’s shadow’ Jeffrey is the man, etc. You just need to take a look for yourself. Just give it a chance. I don’t think you will be disappointed.
IMO 4/5
NAOMI | Production: ARRAY Filmworks, DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Television | Network - CW | Distributor: Warner Bros. Television Distribution
Created by Ava DuVernay, Naomi takes place in a world where superhero exist. It is an origin story. During an incident with a superhero, Naomi begins to observe somethings occurring with herself. Now keep in mind this does take place on the CW. But having said that. I am finding this show to be entertaining. The lead actress is likeable. I actually enjoy the majority of the cast. The story is really similar to Superman, but I am eager to see where it goes.
IMO 3.4/5
A Journal for Jordan | Columbia Pictures, Outlier Society, Mundy Lane Entertainment, Escape Artists, Bron Studios, Creative Wealth Media | Distributed by: Sony Pictures Releasing
Based on a true story “A Journal for Jordan” takes you on a journey of one service member prior to his deploying to Iraq. Although I thought this movie would be an extreme tearjerker it wasn’t. Don’t get me wrong I did cry just not as much as I thought I would. The movie shows the love that developed between 1SG King and Dana. How Dana dealt with her grief and the awesome gift 1SG King leaves for his son. It is a great reminder of the importance of family both blood and those that are in our life for the long haul.
There were some slow moments in the movie but the chemistry between Michael B. Jordan and Chante Adams (playing 1SG King and Dana) kept me intrigued. The movie does a great job to show what some may go through after the loss of a loved one and how they strive to continue moving forward.
IMO 3.5/5
Scream | Spyglass Media Group, Project X Entertainment, Radio Silence Productions | Distributed by: Paramount Pictures
Don’t worry if you haven’t seen the previous Scream films (although it helps) the movie does great at recapping the other ones. Was this movie a hit, um no. My expectations were very low for the film, but I actually enjoyed it for the most part. Brought back a lot of nostalgia, pays homage to the first Scream. The main actress acting was very irritating, but I think that may be just the way she acts and not because of the script. If you like jump scenes there are plenty of those. Every time you think Ghostface about to pop up “nothing”, but you know he’s coming. Don’t call it a sequel call it a re-quel (quote from the film) IMO 3.2/5
The Book of Boba Fett | Lucasfilm, Golem Creations | Distributed by: Disney Platform Distribution
Boba Fett need I say more. True Star Wars know who he is and were probably overly excited to see him on The Mandalorian. The show picks up where The Mandalorian stopped with Boba Fett and Fennec Shand laying claim to Jabba the Hutt’s turf on Tatooine. Now the show is nowhere near as good as The Mandalorian but it has some good moments.
It starts off kind of slow as they continue to jump back and forth between Boba Fett’s past and present. Finding out what happened to him after he was swallowed by the sarlacc and the journey he was taken on was interesting, but I kept waiting for it to pick up. I am now 3 or 4 episodes in, and it still feel like I am riding a roller coaster. There is no constant high. Hopefully the next few episodes pick up.
IMO 3/5
Peacemaker | HBO MAX
John Cena (yes you can see him) is awesome in the role of Peacemaker. The show picks up where the Suicide Squad left off. It is hilarious and they don’t shy away from anything. If you don’t like gore, a lot of profanity then this show is not for you. The interaction between the characters is great and they are all great to watch. Sometimes they can go on and on for too long on a particular subject but that just adds to how dumb the Peacemaker is. The first episode left me in shock because it was so unexpected and made me want to watch more.
IMO 4.2/5
Finch | Amblin Entertainment, Reliance Entertainment, Walden Media, ImageMovers, Misher Films | Distributed by Apple, Inc.
Tom Hanks all alone with Wilson again. A lot of people found the movie to be boring, but I enjoyed it (maybe it’s the animal lover in me idk). The point of the movie is ensuring his dog has a companion when he passes, and the movie does just that. No one should be left alone regardless of our being in a post-apocalyptic world or not.
Although Finch creates the robot to serve one main purpose the robot goes above and beyond what he is tasked to do. Great story about love, friendship, and just life in general. If you don’t go into it expecting too much and just watch it well watch it. I think you will enjoy it also.
IMO 3.5/5
Spider-Man: No Way Home | Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios| Dist. By Sony Pictures Releasing
Encanto | Walt Disney Pictures & Walt Disney Animation Studios | Dist. Walt Disney Motion Pictures
I went in expecting an adventure flick. Like someone going on a journey across the land in order to save their home. Well, there was a journey, just not the one I envisioned. A lot of journeys of self-discoveries and realizations of how much the past can affect your present. The drive to keep your family safe after all the sacrifices that have been made but realizing sometimes you can be the one harming your family. This is one I’d recommend watching it streaming to save money from going out. IMO 3/5
Sing 2 | Illumination | Dist. By Universal Pictures
If you liked the first Sing, then you are going to love this 2nd installment. Buster Moon still has aspirations of showing the world that they have what it takes to put on the most entertaining, breathtaking, stage performance to date. But of course, there is a catch. The movie follows their quest to prove those that would doubt them wrong. Using popular songs from the last few decades you will be tapping along as well as laughing. Highly entertaining, leaves you with a feel-good feeling. IMO 4.2/5
Matrix Resurrections | Village Roadshow Pictures & Venus Castina Productions | Dist. By Warner Bros. Pictures
I know this will probably be an unpopular opinion but as much as I enjoyed the movie, I wish I would have watched it on HBO Max instead of watching it in theaters. We prepared ourselves for the movie by watching all the previous Matrix films (I mean it has been over 20 years since the original). I think this had me hyped and ready to see what truly happened to Neo after the war with the machines. The movie wasn’t what I expected. You truly need to pay attention or you will get confused as to are they in the Matrix or the real world. It pays homage to the original films throughout which I thought was a nice touch. The action was nowhere near the amount in the previous films. I think this is where they lost me. It was in a sense a love story. Also, if you are a fan of Netflix “Sense8” series then you will love the fact that almost the entire cast from the show is in the movie. Another plus for me because I simply love that show. IMO 3.6/5 and watch it on HBO Max save your money.
Hawkeye | Marvel Studios | Dist. By Disney Platform Distribution
I couldn’t wait for the premiere of Hawkey, but after the first two episodes I was kind of skeptical. But I am a committed fan of Marvel, so I had to stick it out and let me tell you I am so glad I did. It wasn’t that the first two episodes were bad. I mean the opening scene in the first episode alone was simply amazing. Then as the episode went on there seemed to be a drag or something then some more action but it just didn’t have that same Avenger feel that seemed to captivate an audience. But then the third episode exploded on the scene and all the joys of being an Avenger fan came back. Left me wanting for more. It hasn’t slowed down yet. I definitely recommend.

I am a retired combat Veteran who still strives to serve the Veteran community by not only volunteering in the community, but also providing one on one peer support, coordinating peer support groups, and assisting with community resources.For self-care, one of things I enjoy doing is going to the movies or watching new TV shows. There is just something about getting lost in the show you are watching, and it’s a nice break from reality.